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Player Features
link facebook, youtube and twitch streaming
Faster CDN + High Quality
Deliver your livestreams to global audience from 50+ edge locations and with over 65Tb/s network capacity
link facebook, youtube and twitch streaming
Player Customizations
Take advantage from Ad-free HTML5 player, where you can upload your logo and posters, define player color themes
multi-chat overlay url widget
Adaptive Bitrate Resolution
Your videos will stream faster and smoother on devices even on slower networks
streaming recordings in the cloud
Real-Time Analytics
Monitor number of viewers, most peak time, avg start-up time, and breakdown on your bandwidth data usage over time.
link facebook, youtube and twitch streaming
Control Whom Can Watch
Protect your livestreams from unauthorized hosting or allow access from selected locations
html5 player for websites
Live-to-VOD Transition
Livepush automatically records and exports your live recordings as downloadable videos

Supports all major streaming platforms

Live stream to 40+ popular streaming platforms simultaneously, plus Custom RTMP for anything else

Features / Get access to your all-new toolkit
link facebook, youtube and twitch streaming
Connect Social Media Accounts
Sync streaming from Facebook, Google, Twitch, Dlive
multi-chat overlay url widget
Multi Chat Overlay
Gather all your chat messages from different streaming sites
streaming recordings in the cloud
Cloud Recording
Downloadable streams recordings in the cloud
link facebook, youtube and twitch streaming
Realtime Statistics & Reports
Monitor your stream quality, bitrate, fps, viewers & streamed hours in realtime
html5 player for websites
HTML5 Embed Player
Live streaming embeddable into your website
livestreaming from mp4 videos
Livestream MP4 videos
Go live from plain MP4 videos with Pre-recorded live dashboard, supports up to 4K
live streaming scheduling with pre-recorded live
Live Scheduling
Schedule your livestreams in advance with recorded videos
centralized live stream titles
Saved Stream Titles
Save Stream Titles once and then reuse them everytime
RTMP pull url and RTMP as a source
RTMP Pull & Push
unlimited streaming
Free from bitrate caps and limited time streaming
invite users with teams support
Teams Suport
Invite users to collectively manage streaming campaigns
developer api and developer console
Developer API
Developer focused eco-system to build amazing live streaming apps